CCTV Solutions for Your Business

CCTV or VSS (Video Surveillance System) as the industry are starting to call it is a massively subjective topic. What is good for one client might be completely inappropriate for another.

Do you really need 4K resolution, taking up terabytes of storage if you are just trying to count people through a door. Can you move a lower resolution camera closer to achieve the same result. How long do you really need to keep the data.

All of the above are questions our team will be asking you when you call up about a new system. We don’t want to always sell you the most expensive highest resolution, highest feature cameras, if you are never going to use any of those features or pixels.

CCTV Support from our Expert Team

Having manufacturer ranges from Axis, Milestone and Hanwha, we will find a solution that works for you. With advanced design mapping, we are able to provide you an overall and most importantly accurate estimation of what each camera will be seeing.

Extensive training and experience in the CCTV/VSS industry has led to our staff becoming trusted with some of the most sensitive CCTV scenarios possible.

From Schools and shops to the Ports and around town, you have most likely been seen by a camera installed by C.I. Fire.